A Creative Coach

Hi. My name is Brian Town.

Let’s cut through the fluff: running a business is tough. Some days, it's a win if you remember to wear matching socks. I've been there, standing in the kitchen at midnight, realizing I forgot to sign a school permission slip while mentally calculating if I sent that crucial invoice. Entrepreneurship isn’t all sunshine and Instagram-perfect desks with fancy coffee cups.

But amidst the chaos, I've learned to tap into my creative core, finding unique solutions to problems that seemed insurmountable. I can help you discover a fresh perspective, guiding and inspiring you onto the right path, making those challenges a tad less daunting.

It's juggling conference calls with parent-teacher meetings, it's the victory of a closed deal and the panic when you momentarily forget payroll. My wife and I, both business owners, get it. She transitioned from being an orthopedic PA to owning her own med spa. So, between the two of us, we're managing businesses, keeping our home afloat, and clinging to sanity.

Here at Creative Coach, we're about the real entrepreneurial journey — the good, the bad, the ugly, and yes, the creative solutions in between. We're in this messy ride together, and trust me, with a bit of ingenuity and a lot of perseverance, we'll navigate it.

The Details.

  • Month One: A two-hour deep dive where I get to understand your challenges and aspirations, and you determine if we're the perfect match.

  • Following Months: An hour-long session, and a 30 minute session each month to keep the momentum going.

  • Investment: $500/month. Clear, concise, and worth every cent.

  • My Guarantee: If I don't ignite your inspiration, help you craft something remarkable, or bring you peace of mind, you'll get your money back.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey? Let's get started.

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